It’s that time of the year again! Praise God!
In the frenzy of back to school please don’t forget to create joyful memories with your child. Take pictures! Lots of them. (Remember to be in the pictures)
Here are some helpful tips as you navigate the school year:
Plan to see them off on the first day and stop by their classroom to meet their teacher (Elementary). For University students living at home, give them a ride to school on the first day and boost their spirit with positive words.
This can be extended for the first week of School. This ensures your child has a buffer/ safety net to talk to about the new changes or stuff they may be worried about. Please be a listening ear and support for them.
If your work schedule will not allow this then keep in touch with them over the phone.
For special needs please meet up with their education assistant/teacher and bring them up to date with any changes in therapy, medication, behaviour, and hormonal changes due to puberty.
Good sleep is good medicine for the body and brain. Ensure your home is back to quiet mode at night so bedtime is calm. Early to bed; early to rise.
Good diet is very important so ensure you are not feeding them empty calorie foods like salty and sugar laden snacks and cereals. Asides the effect of sugar making them hyperactive, they will also get hungry faster and if proper dental hygiene is not ensured you will be visiting the dentist too often.
Fruits and vegetables are a good idea for snack time.
Easy off the morning rush by planning the night before for younger children. Clothes can be selected for the 5 days of school on weekends so it’s easy to get dressed each morning. As they get older, they can do the selection by themselves. I strongly recommend you pick the complete set (top, bottom, underwear, socks) and roll it together. I have a video on my YouTube channel on this (
Get to know the school rules and go over it with your child. A school division sent out an email last week about rules regarding use of electronic devices at school, you should review things like this with your child. Rules on dressing, behaviour, time management, and handing in assignments should also be discussed with your child.
Limit screen time before and after School hours. Electronic devices should not be left in children’s room overnight, they have not developed the resistance to avoid the temptation of using such devices when unsupervised.
A review of last year’s report card is a great way to get your child ready academically and emotionally; read through it together and let them identify what to work on this year and what to maintain. Please refrain from using this exercise as a tool of discipline, use it more as an encouragement for diligence.
Pray over them the night before and in the morning, thank God that they are alive and well, pray for their health, mind, spirit, and soul. Pray that they will succeed, make good friends, be of good behaviour and be a source of light in all their ways.
Your child is destined for greatness; keep this in mind and let them hear you speak life over them all the time.
Have A Great School Year!!
Check out the back-to-school videos & shorts on my YouTube channel @olawumioyetuga
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